Pets love Christmas — all the extra things in the house to smell, look at, and eat. This time of year can be a smorgasbord for your pet. Here are some things to watch for.

• Season’s eatings shouldn’t include holiday greenery such as holly, mistletoe, lilies and amaryllis. While commonly used to deck the halls, they can make your pet sick if ingested.

• Look before you light. Lit candles produce fumes that can be harmful to birds if inhaled. And don’t forget, your pet’s wagging tail can easily knock over a burning candle. Liquid potpourri is also dangerous to pets, who could ingest it from decorative bowls and simmering pots.

• Christmas tree branches definitely delight pets, who’ve been known to chew on them — and whatever decorations may be hanging from them. Place small, breakable ornaments high up, and keep tinsel and garland out of your pet’s reach, as these can get caught in his throat. And make sure that pine needles, which can be toxic, don’t get eaten.

• Keep batteries — loose and in packages — away from pets. They contain corrosives that can cause ulceration in your animal companion’s mouth, tongue and gastrointestinal tract if bitten or swallowed.

• Shy animals can get stressed with the hustle and bustle of holiday guests, so make sure there’s a quiet room to which your pets can retreat.

• Don’t allow your pet access to holiday spreads. Alcoholic beverages, chocolate, coffee, onions, fatty foods, yeast dough and macadamia nuts can all cause problems.

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