Lilly, a beautiful grey female cat, missing around East Anderson Street

Lost Female ALL GREY cat.

- GOES BY: Lilly

- 6 years old.

- Not spayed.

- 10LBS

- EYES: Golden

- LAST SEEN: 6pm Tuesday, February 20th

- LOCATION: On E Anderson at the 600block between E Broad train tracks and Atlantic Ave.

- WHAT HAPPENED: She's an indoor lap cat with separation anxiety and never shows signs of wanting to go outside. Very attached to us and likes to be treated very tenderly. However, when she's in heat she constantly wants to get outside and roam. She was in heat, we had lots of traffic in and out of the house around the time she slipped out. We think she'll come to soon, and get scared then hunker down in an area. She very timid as she moves outside.

- REWARD: $100

CONTACT: Brittany


or Option 2: 912-755-8516

- Will drive immediately to any location.

We attached the poster along with the individual images.

Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado